Ruud van Koningsbrugge
Joined June 16th, 201268 Instructables 609,158 Views 149 Comments 678 Followers
Ruud van Koningsbrugge's Instructables
100+ Comments
Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views
Earned a bronze medal
10+ Featured Instructable
Earned a silver medal
Contest Winner
Grand Prize in the Paper and Cardboard Contest
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Toys and Games Contest
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Paper Challenge
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Contest Winner
Grand Prize in the Scraps Speed Challenge
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Sculpting Challenge
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Tape Contest
Contest Winner
Grand Prize in the Paper Contest
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Sewn By Hand Challenge
Contest Winner
Third Prize in the Papercraft Contest
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Homemade Gifts Contest
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Spring's Coming Contest
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Holiday Contest
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Instructables Green Design Contest
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Lamps & Lighting Contest